“I know that you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”
According to the Radicati Group an estimated 183 billion emails are sent every day. That’s around 2 million emails every second sent by 1.2 billion email Users! Moreover, there are an estimated 516 million business email boxes worldwide. That’s a heck of a potential for mis-communication, misunderstandings, angry words, bad feelings and loss of productivity if the messages go wrong.
Communication experts say that email is good for INFORMATION and CONFIRMATION. However it’s not good for EMOTION or PERSUASION. It is very difficult to convey enthusiasm, empathy or sincerity via email. You can type the words, but one doesn’t get a sense of the way the words are conveyed, and therefore the message can be misinterpreted.
Here are some tips on email etiquette.
When sending:
•In character, e-mail is somewhere between an informal telephone call and a formal letter, but an e-mail can be easily kept as a permanent record – a phone call is more difficult. Avoid slang, careless writing, thoughtless comments, too many dots or exclamation marks.
•Consider the recipient – who really needs to know? Is it ‘nice to know’ or ‘essential to their job to know’? Consider using group names very carefully – it may save you time but does everyone on the group list really need that message?
•Talk to your boss about the types of information he/she needs to be copied in on.
•Beware of humour and sarcasm – unless you know the recipient very well.
•Where is the recipient? If they are in the same office area, why not talk to them instead? Think of how long it takes to ‘talk’ the message compared to having to write it out.
•Don’t use email as an excuse not to talk to somebody. Barriers in communicating with difficult people can be broken down by hearing your voice, or perhaps seeing you, to build better rapport.
•Never email in anger. Calm down first, or consider an alternative method – email can never convey emotion. Face to face can be a much more effective way of getting how you feel across to an individual.
•Indicate the subject of the e-mail, and the purpose, in the subject header, to help the recipient e.g. ‘Leadership Training: Joining Instructions below’.
•Keep to business issues, avoiding personal e-mails and gossiping.
•Include ‘pleasantries’ at the start of the email e.g. ‘Hope you’re having a good week’ or perhaps a ‘Thanks for doing that last project so quick’ before you launch into your reason for emailing.
•Emailing bad news can be seen as ‘the coward’s way out’ because you don’t want to face the reaction. Also you can’t guarantee when they’ll read the bad news.
•Re-read the message before sending, putting yourself in the recipient’s shoes – what is the tone like? What unintended messages could the recipient see? Am I being succinct enough?
•Be careful about criticising people and organisations by email. A hasty remark by phone will be forgotten, on email there is a permanent record.
•Avoid writing in capital letters (to some this is the equivalent of shouting, and it makes it more difficult to read) and be carefully about emboldening words.
•If you classify all your e-mails as urgent, people may gradually stop treating them as such.
•Be careful about copying the message to the recipient’s manager – some people may view this as untrusting and underhand.
•Break the email ‘tennis’ – it’s far quicker to pick up the phone than reply with an email.
When reading:
•Deal with e mail at set times of the day ONLY– two or three times per day is a good guide. The tendency is to open email as soon as one arrives – if it was that urgent, the sender would have picked up the phone.
•Turn off the automatic ‘incoming email alert’ facility.
•Remove unwanted e-mails regularly – one user had 350 e-mails in his inbox after 3 days holiday! Always question WHY you keep an electronic copy?
•Set regular times e.g. last day of the month, to review and delete your e-mails.
•Set up folders for recipients. Important people such as the boss, the boss’s boss, and key customers could go into one folder that you check more frequently.
•If you feel emotional after reading a message, give the sender the benefit of the doubt and assume there has been a misunderstanding. Have you read the message carefully? Are you quite sure you’ve understood?
•If it’s about a complicated topic, or it’s a request for ideas or opinions, consider replying by phone, or meet up with the person.
•If you are out of the office for a few days, set up an automated ‘out of office reply’, giving an alternative person’s name who may be able to help.
•Send joke emails to your home inbox for reading later.
Senin, 31 Agustus 2009
Email Frenzy
Software Development: Outsourcing is the New Mantra for Success
They say profit maximization is the prime goal for any management team and those managers are successful enough who are capable of controlling their subordinates. In today’s web driven world, the role for managers has increased manifold. A project manager is not only responsible for bringing good amounts of projects, but also need to look after it besides making its final delivery to clients. The software industry has been going under severe competition presently and in order to sustain in the retrace, project managers are conceiving new strategies so that business goals can be achieved on the behalf of the organization without compromising on quality of deliverables. Most of the companies have chosen outsourcing as a means of achieving targets at without investing much on cost. In a recession hit economic scenario, outsource software development firms are still shoeing good amount of courage thus retaining clients.
Software development firms generally need huge investments. Resources are getting costlier and all are asking for huge pay hikes. In such a scene, outsourcing has turned into a nice way of meeting the clients’ project requirements without spending much on labor cost. Outsource software development India is now one of the biggest and most trusted software development destinations in the entire world. Compared to the USA or the UK, labor comes cheap here and companies can earn significant amount on profits keeping quality of work intact. Apart from India, China, Philippines and Thailand have now emerged as good venues for outsourcing for the European software firms.
Outsource software development firms are the best choices for all types of software development products. They have also proved to be reliable and less costly resorts for custom software application development projects. So, be it industry specific software development or application development for iPhone, outsource custom software development service providers are here to stay for a long time for sure. In the coming days, their offers and reach would be multiplied – that’s a guarantee. You just watch and see!
Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009
Stop Spyware From Invading Your Privacy
By: David H. Urmann
The perfect way of combating spyware is to not install it. Spyware is a bigger problem for consumers than viruses. Though viruses can do much damage on computers, spyware are more prevalent and leads to identity theft.
For some time, it may look like the computer technology reached its pitfall with the prevalence of spywares that invade the privacy of personal computer users. But there are controlling factors determined to eliminate spywares completely. As more and more new spywares are being developed, the developers of anti-spyware programs are also active in their crusade.
Installing anti-spyware program has indeed become a crucial part of computer security. A number of anti-spyware laws have been passed to combat the growing threat of spyware. A handful of spyware software crossed the boundaries of legality. Variants of Trojan-Downloader.Win32.INService and Zlob.Trojan were reported of displaying child pornography, cracks and popup ads known to break copyright and child pornography laws.
Various methods of preventing spyware infection have been developed as the threat continues to worsen. These techniques include running software created to block or eliminate spyware. A number of helpful user practices are proven in minimizing the chance of spyware infection on computer system. However, spyware is still a serious and costly problem. When a system employing Windows has been infected by multiple spyware software, the simplest remedy would be backing up important data and have the operating system reinstalled.
Spyware can come from shareware software available for download. Some Internet Service Providers resort to using web proxies and employing network firewalls in denying access to websites believed to install spyware.
Be sure to read all disclosures as well as license agreement including privacy statements before installing any application. There are instances that the inclusion of unwanted program in some software is documented. Carefully read everything because it is usually found at the end of such End User License Agreement or privacy statement.
Install a firewall. Most spyware come in package with other programs or secretly installed to user’s system by malicious website. Only a very few spyware software can be remotely installed by hackers to computers.
Update software regularly to help stop spyware and some unwanted programs. Make certain that Automatic Update is turned on for system with this option. Download all the newest critical and security updates.
Adjust security settings for Internet Explorer. The recommended setting for the Internet zone is Medium or higher. This setting regulates the information users are inclined to accept from websites. This is set to Medium by default for system using Windows XP SP2 and Internet Explorer as primary web browser.
Install anti-spyware software. Windows Defender is a good protection against spyware. It comes with the new OS Windows Vista. Windows XP Service Pack 2 users can download it free of charge.
Observe safe Internet surfing and downloading always. Always download only from trusted websites. Spyware developers will not stop in deceiving computer users. As a tip, when closing doubtful sites, refrain from hitting the X mark on the top right window. This sometimes leads to other sites instead of closing down. Instead, hit Alt+F4.
Change the setting of your computer, such that nothing will download automatically without your permission. Set your browser to ActiveX control.
Update regularly your anti-spyware programs because new types of spyware are being developed practically everyday.
Spyware Software a Critical Threat to Computer System
By: David H. Urmann
Spyware is any program employed or installed without the consent of the user. Spyware channels personal information to a third party. It can badly damaged computers and should be eliminated out of the system.
Spyware is a program subtly installed by spyware developers on computer systems without arising suspicions from the user. Spyware is malicious software designed to manipulate the computer by intercepting or interfering with the user’s control and interaction. The purpose of spyware simply surpassed unauthorized monitoring of user’s computing behavior. Spyware can be compared with viruses because they are harmful in nature.
Spyware programs are secretly employed to watch the user’s activity. It records and accounts on that victim’s online movement. They can trail all information related to the user such as personal, psychosocial and demographic details. Spyware also reports on specific website the number of times a user visit that particular site. The information is then used to gather ad impressions target.
Aside from collecting personal inputs on user’s Internet browsing habit and websites that been accessed, spyware can intervene with the computer control such as installing other software, rerouting web browser activity, diverting income from advertisements usually to the spyware’s author, and blindly and randomly accessing malicious websites.
Spyware can easily change a user’s personal settings of a computer leading to slow internet connection speed, various home pages and worse, loss of internet access or other applications. It weakens the computer’s defense making the system vulnerable to attacks of viruses, Trojans and other dangerous threats.
They can be unknowingly downloaded from websites, instant messages, email attachments or messages, and file-sharing networks. Spyware can be inadvertently got by accepting a EULA or End User License Agreement from a legitimate software manufacturer.
The term spyware according to record was used on 16th of October 1995. Spyware then meant a hardware used for spying. Nevertheless, during the early part of the year 2000 Gregor Freund of Zone Labs used the term spyware in a press release to denote a rogue application. Since that time, the definition changed.
A survey conducted by the National Cyber-Security Alliance and America Online in 2005 brought about some important figures to the fore.
First to note is that 61% of surveyed computers had spyware. Also, 92% of surveyed users convey they were unaware of the spyware in their computers. And last, 91% accounted that no permission were granted for the installation of the spyware.
Spyware has been one of the leading menaces to computer systems on Windows operating system as of 2006. Computer whose main browser is Internet Explorer are at great risk for its tight consolidation with Windows permits spyware to invade all important components of the operating system. It is also the OS of choice for majority of users.
Users’ naiveté about malware and the Internet Explorer’s presumption that all ActiveX parts are safe contributed to the widespread of spyware. Prior to the release of Internet Explorer 7, the browser would always display a window for installing any ActiveX component that a site required to install. Spyware also targets the defects in Internet Explorer, Windows and Javascipt to install secretively.
Spyware does not reduplicate or spread like computer worms or viruses do. A computer infected by spyware does not transfer the infection to other; however it breaks through a system by deceiving the user or taking advantage of software glitches. Spyware delude victims by piggybacking on good software or by camouflaging as anti-spyware software or security program, tricking the user to install them.
Spyware by nature uses affected computers for financial profit. Usual tricks to meet this purpose are delivery of unwanted pop-up advertisement; stealing financial information particularly credit card number; tracking of Internet surfing activity for advertising purposes; or directly routing of requests of HTTP to advertising websites. Its distributor normally offers the application as an important utility—like for example as a “Web accelerator” or a useful software agent.
How to Write a Network Security Policy
By: Derek Rogers
Keeping your network up and running is a hardware issue. Keeping your network under control is a sociological one. What used to be the purview of a select group of security professionals and their adversaries has turned into a set of recipes for breaking into, defacing, or stealing information from various computer networks. With the internet, one does not need to be a genius to be a cracker or computer criminal. One needs a certain amorality and access to Google and the wits to follow a step-by-step tutorial. Sadly, targets abound for them.
Fortunately, your network needn't be one of them. No network can be made perfectly safe, but a well-constructed network security policy can weed out the majority of threat vectors. Network security is fundamentally about tracking log files, accounting for logins and user activity and auditing anything that looks suspicious.
Like all things dealing with security, the significant trade-off is security versus ease of use. Anything that's more secure will be intrusive, and one of the most compromised vectors for network security is the human element. If your security policies are onerous, and keep people from doing their work on the network, they will be circumvented by members of your organisation who will resent the put down on their time.
Communication with your organisation's members is important. A good network security policy addresses the human factors in securing your data. It needs to explain what your organisation's policies are, regarding proper use of computer and network equipment, and what procedures must be followed. It should have a clearly listed response chain for security incidents.
Some basic tips:
1) Be very clear in explaining why certain policy decisions have been made and what their costs are. Make people understand why they have to go through strange procedures, or have computers with no optical drives.
2) Understand that one size does not fit all; one of the worst examples of a network security policy is one that presumes that everything needs the same heightened level of security. In addition to driving productivity to a standstill, it often results in worse security, as people attempt to get their work done and leave classified documents out in the open rather than check them in and check them out every time they go to the rest room.
3) Evaluate your hardware as part of the policy. Do triage - what can you live with and live without? What absolutely needs to be restricted access, what needs off site backups to maintain organizational continuity and if an asset were lost, how much would it cost to replace? Will you spend more in employee time than the replacement costs, or are the replacement costs catastrophic?
4) Next, identify possible threats. What ways can someone access or distribute your data?
Once these have been identified, consider aspects such as physical security; who has access to the computers and the facility?, network security; who is to have access to which data sets, and authentication; how do you determine the right level of access per person and that the right people are using their pass codes?
Who Are the People That Need Computer Rental
By: Amy Nut
To the average computer user, renting a computer seems a little strange. Why wouldn't you want to own the machine? To the average household, renting a computer does not make much sense, but there are some organizations and individuals who can stand to save a lot of money with this option.
The entrepreneurial among us often find the cost of starting their new enterprises to be the main thing that holds them back. One of the biggest costs associated with starting a new business venture is the cost of technology. Computers are not cheap.
Those interested in starting a new business but lacking the resources to purchase new technology can rent some instead. Once the business is up and running, bringing in income, they can start setting money aside to purchase their own equipment. This ensures that the business starts with excellent, up-to-date equipment, rather than the old computer the entrepreneur has been using at home.
Conference Speakers
Those who frequently travel to speak at conferences and seminars find the hassle of bringing their own computers with them to be too much to deal with. Not only do they have the added time it takes to get through security, but they also have the risk of theft, damage, or loss of their valuable equipment. Sometimes the seminar is best serviced by offering computers to the listeners as well as the presenter. Carting that many computers through an airport is almost impossible.
Computer rental gives these individuals the best solution. They can bring their presentation on CDROM, leaving the computer behind. When they arrive at the conference venue, the computer equipment they need will be waiting for them, set up, and ready to use. All they have to do is stick their disc in and they can start their presentation.
Trade Show Presenters
Those who frequently set up booths at trade shows can also benefit from computer rental. Like the conference presenter, trade show presenters struggle to carry computer equipment on the airplane or bus as they travel. Depending on the type of booth they set up, they may want additional upgrades like huge wide-screen monitors and extra computers for potential customers to use, and transporting these items without damage is almost impossible. A computer rental company can have the necessary equipment ready for the presenter when he arrives at the trade show venue.
Individuals Facing a Transition Time
Are you moving soon? Are you about to end one chapter of your life and start another? If you do not already have a computer, but wish to get one soon, renting during this transition time might be the best option. You will have access to word processing programs to brush up your resume and cover letter, the Internet to look for jobs, and email to keep others in the know about what is going on in your life, but you will not have to fork out hundreds of dollars to purchase a machine. When you are in a more settled position, you can look to buy that computer.
Computer rental is ideal for people who have a temporary need for quality computer equipment, either when traveling, in a transition period, or starting up a new business, but do not have the collateral necessary to buy a new machine. If you are in one of these situations, consider renting a computer.
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009
Computer Software King is Microsoft !
By: Rajesh Chouhan
Software was all complicated when it initially stormed the market. Only computer nerds were associated with it, but a lot of things have changed today. Thanks to Microsoft, they have made everything very simple for users. Software has also evolved a great deal when it comes to daily usage.
A lot of things in the software field happened only because of Microsoft. For more details go to www.software-index-website.com Even though there have been many competitors in the field, they have ruled the roost. They have been least perturbed by the entry of other software corporations when it comes to software. Every day they are constantly working towards giving the world better software to use.
They made the whole world understand what software was all about. This is the greatest invention of the world till date, as it has made life very easy for everyone. From running businesses to shopping and other facilities, software has made everything possible. And Microsoft is responsible for all this.
They have made the world a smaller place, though there have been inputs from many other corporations. However one drawback that most users have with software is that it keeps changing often. This has also lead to piracy of software in a big way. Not much effort is being taken about this, as it seems pointless.
Software was all complicated when it initially stormed the market. Only computer nerds were associated with it, but a lot of things have changed today. Thanks to Microsoft, they have made everything very simple for users. Software has also evolved a great deal when it comes to daily usage.
The piracy industry is so vast that Microsoft is unable to keep a check on what is going on entirely. The software ranges from simple to complicated applications. However they serve the industries of the world in a big way. Software is also expensive, and this is one way that the company made money.
Software has revolutionized the ways of the world in many ways, and this has made life very easy for many millions of people around the world. A lot of intelligence is however required when it comes to development of software. For more details go to www.scripts-to-sell.com Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is known to have begun and grown the strength of the software he provides to the world, purely on merit.
Daily tasks can be handled with the help of software, from accounts to appointments. The whole aspect of the facility is very interesting. This will provide a great opportunity for people to make their lives systematic. People should contribute back by buying original software and killing piracy.
Software is also a very important part of many industries in various ways. All of this, thanks to Microsoft.
They have made the world a smaller place, though there have been inputs from many other corporations. However one drawback that most users have with software is that it keeps changing often. This has also lead to piracy of software in a big way. Not much effort is being taken about this, as it seems pointless.
Information Systems Theory 101
"The first on-line, real-time, interactive, data base system was double-entry bookkeeping which was developed by the merchants of Venice in 1200 A.D."
- Bryce's Law
Systems work is not as hard as you might think. However, we have a tendency in this business to complicate things by changing the vocabulary of systems work and introducing convoluted concepts and techniques, all of which makes it difficult to produce systems in a consistent manner. Consequently, there is a tendency to reinvent the wheel with each systems development project. I believe I owe it to my predecessors and the industry overall to describe basic systems theory, so that people can find the common ground needed to communicate and work. Fortunately, there are only four easy, yet important, concepts to grasp which I will try to define as succinctly as possible.
Regardless of the type of system, be it an irrigation system, a communications relay system, an information system, or whatever, all systems have three basic properties:
A. A system has a purpose - such as to distribute water to plant life, bouncing a communications signal around the country to consumers, or producing information for people to use in conducting business.
B. A system is a grouping of two or more components which are held together through some common and cohesive bond. The bond may be water as in the irrigation system, a microwave signal as used in communications, or, as we will see, data in an information system.
C. A system operates routinely and, as such, it is predictable in terms of how it works and what it will produce.
All systems embrace these simple properties. Without any one of them, it is, by definition, not a system.
For our purposes, the remainder of this paper will focus on "information systems" as this is what we are normally trying to produce for business. In other words, the development of an orderly arrangement or grouping of components dedicated to producing information to support the actions and decisions of a particular business. Information Systems are used to pay employees, manage finances, manufacture products, monitor and control production, forecast trends, process customer orders, etc.
If the intent of the system is to produce information, we should have a good understanding of what it is...
Information is not synonymous with data. Data is the raw material needed to produce information. Data by itself is meaningless. It is simply a single element used to identify, describe or quantify an object used in a business, such as a product, an order, an employee, a purchase, a shipment, etc. A data element can also be generated based on a formula as used in a calculation; for example:
Net-Pay = Gross-Pay - FICA - Insurance - City-Tax - Union-Dues - (etc.)
Only when data is presented in a specific arrangement for use by the human being does it become information. If the human being cannot act on it or base a decision from it, it is nothing more than raw data. This implies data is stored, and information is produced. It is also dependent on the wants and needs of the human being (the consumer of information). Information, therefore, can be defined as "the intelligence or insight gained from the processing and/or analysis of data."
The other variable in our formula is "processing" which specifies how data is to be collected, as well as its retrieval in order to produce information. This is ultimately driven by when the human being needs to make certain actions and decisions. Information is not always needed "upon request" (aka "on demand"); sometimes it is needed once daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc. These timing nuances will ultimately dictate how data is collected, stored, and retrieved. To illustrate, assume we collect data once a week. No matter how many times during the week we make a query of the data base, the data will only be valid as of the last weekly update. In other words, we will see the same results every day for one week. However, if we were to collect the data more frequently, such as periodically throughout the day, our query will produce different results throughout the week.
Our formula of "I = D + P" makes an important point: if the data is changed, yet the processing remains the same, the information will change. Conversely, if the data remains the same, yet the processing changes, the information will also change. This leads to a compelling argument to manage data and processing as separate by equal resources which can be manipulated and reused to produce information as needed.
An information system is a collection of processes (aka, "sub-systems") to either collect and store data, to retrieve data and produce information, or a combination of both. The cohesive bond between these components is the data which should be shared and reused throughout the system (as well as other systems). You will observe we have not yet discussed the most suitable way to physically implement the processes, such as through the use of manual processes, computer programs, or other office technology. In other words, at this stage, the sub-systems of the system simply define logically WHAT data must be processed, WHEN it must be processed, and who will consume the information (aka "end-users"), but it most definitely does not specify HOW the sub-system is to be implemented.
Following this, developers determine a suitable approach for physically implementing each sub-system. This decision should ultimately be based on practicality and cost effectiveness. Sub-systems can be implemented using manual procedures, computer procedures (software), office automation procedures, or combinations of all three. Depending on the complexity of the sub-system, several procedures may be involved. Regardless of the procedures selected, developers must establish the precedent relationships in the execution of the procedures, either sequentially, iteratively, of choice (thereby allowing divergent paths). By defining the procedures in this manner, from start to end, the developers are defining the "work flow" of the sub-system, which specifies HOW the data will be physically processed (including how it is to be created, updated, or referenced).
Defining information systems logically is beneficial for two reasons:
* It provides for the consideration of alternative physical implementations. How one developer designs it may very well be different than the next developer. It also provides the means to effectively determine how a purchased software package may satisfy the needs. Again, the decision to select a specific implementation should be based on practicality and cost justification.
* It provides independence from physical equipment, thereby simplifying the migration to a new computer platform. It also opens the door for system portability, for example; our consulting firm helped a large Fortune 500 conglomerate design a single logical payroll system which was implemented on at least three different computer platforms as used by their various operating units; although they physically worked differently, it was all the same basic system producing the same information.
These logical and physical considerations leads to our final concept...
An information system can be depicted as a four level hierarchy (aka, "standard system structure"):
LEVEL 1 - System
LEVEL 2 - Sub-systems (aka "business processes") - 2 or more
LEVEL 3 - Procedures (manual, computer, office automation) - 1 or more for each sub-system
LEVEL 4 - Programs (for computer procedures), and Steps (for all others) - 1 or more for each procedure
Click for diagram:
Each level represents a different level of abstraction of the system, from general to specific (aka, "Stepwise Refinement" as found in blueprinting). This means design is a top-down effort. As designers move down the hierarchy, they finalize design decisions. So much so, by the time they finish designing Level 4 for a computer procedure, they should be ready to write program source code based on thorough specifications, thereby taking the guesswork out of programming.
The hierarchical structure of an information system is essentially no different than any other common product; to illustrate:
LEVEL 1 - Product
LEVEL 2 - Assembly - 2 or more
LEVEL 3 - Sub-assembly - 1 or more for each assembly
LEVEL 4 - Operation - 1 or more for each sub-assembly
Again, the product is designed top-down and assembled bottom-up (as found in assembly lines). This process is commonly referred to as design by "explosion" (top-down), and implementation by "implosion" (bottom-up). An information system is no different in that it is designed top-down, and tested and installed bottom-up. In engineering terms, this concept of a system/product is commonly referred to as a "four level bill of materials" where the various components of the system/product are defined and related to each other in various levels of abstraction (from general to specific).
This approach also suggests parallel development. After the system has been designed into sub-systems, separate teams of developers can independently design the sub-systems into procedures, programs, and steps. This is made possible by the fact that all of the data requirements were identified as the system was logically subdivided into sub-systems. Data is the cohesive bond that holds the system together. From an engineering/manufacturing perspective it is the "parts" used in the "product." As such, management of the data should be relegated to a separate group of people to control in the same manner as a "materials management" function (inventory) in a manufacturing company. This is commonly referred to as "data resource management."
This process allows parallel development, which is a more effective use of human resources on project work as opposed to the bottleneck of a sequential development process. Whole sections of the system (sub-systems) can be tested and delivered before others, and, because data is being managed separately, we have the assurance it will all fit together cohesively in the end.
The standard system structure is also useful from a Project Management perspective. First, it is used to determine the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for a project complete with precedent relationships. The project network is then used to estimate and schedule the project in part and in full. For example, each sub-system can be separately priced and scheduled, thereby giving the project sponsors the ability to pick and chose which parts of the system they want early in the project.
Click for diagram:
The standard system structure also simplifies implementing modification/improvements to the system. Instead of redesigning and reconstructing whole systems, sections of the system hierarchy can be identified and redesigned, thereby saving considerable time and money.
This analogy between a system and a product is highly credible and truly remarkable. Here we can take a time-proven concept derived from engineering and manufacturing and apply it to the design and development of something much less tangible, namely, information systems.
Well, that's it, the four cardinal concepts of Information Systems theory. I have deliberately tried to keep this dissertation concise and to the point. I have also avoided the introduction of any cryptic vocabulary, thereby demonstrating that systems theory can be easily explained and taught so that anyone can understand and implement it.
Systems theory need not be any more complicated than it truly is.
If you would like to discuss this with me in more depth, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail at timb001@phmainstreet.com
(For Milt and Les).
Why Use Privacy Control Software to Protect Your Privacy?
Privacy Control software is a form of software that permits individuals to securely clean and remove the information that they no longer want on their computer. This is a very important and necessary tool for anyone concerned about the privacy of their data since many of Windows’ history and file deletion programs do not totally remove or eliminate the information. There are only a few software products in the market that enable comprehensive cleaning, deleting and shredding of the data from your hard drive. Two of these programs are Winclear and ParetoLogic Privacy Controls.
Information, at both a personal and professional level, can be powerful in today’s environment. Many of your personal and business relationships of today can be centered upon the use of and processing of information. While there is much focus given to the security of information on our computers, there is very little or focus or worry about the information after it is deleted. Unfortunately, you can still be at risk once the information is deleted from your computer using standard Windows’ options since the deleted data leaves traces that can be recovered easily by anyone who wants or needs to obtain this information.
To protect yourself, you need to be using privacy control software to completely clean and remove the files from your computer so that no one can gain access to them. These files include both visible and hidden files that you may or may not be aware of on your computer. Did you know your computer is a powerful recorder that records all your activity from Internet searching and browsing to emails sent and received as well as programs and files accessed and modified?
Privacy control software is a must have to scan, clean and eliminate information such as temporary Internet files, searching and browsing history, Internet caches, cookies, peer to peer (P2P) activities, media player activities, instant messaging and chat conversations, online shopping and financial transaction histories.
Two of the best privacy control software programs to protect your privacy and security needs are Winclear and ParetoLogic Privacy Controls. Both of these applications are all-inclusive and meet the key functional requirements of privacy control software. These key functional requirements are ease of use, multiple scanning categories, multiple inclusion and exclusion options, multiple file shredding options, online help and 24/7 customer support.
File shredding options are very important to provide the secure elimination of data files. Typically, these options involve the number of passes performed in the file overwriting process insuring the data file is unrecoverable by file recovery software applications. A complete privacy control application will provide one, three or seven overwriting passes, one of which meets DOD 5220.22-M standards.
If you choose either Winclear or ParetoLogic Privacy Controls as a privacy control software tool for your privacy and security needs, you will be making an informed and intelligent selection to eliminate your risk of privacy and confidentiality breaches from using standard Windows’ security capabilities.
Would you like to learn more about protecting your Internet privacy and erasing your Internet or web activities? Check out http://www.InternetErasers.net now! Internet Erasers is an independent review site helping you make informed decisions about Internet privacy and security software. Our trusted reviews are created with knowledge and passion for the subject.
Each product featured on our website is compared with its competitors for functionality, performance and value providing you with the knowledge to make an informed selection and buying decision. In addition to our in-depth product reviews we offer other helpful tips and advice to improve your computer's performance, privacy and security.
What are the Key Requirements for Privacy Control Software?
Are you concerned about protecting your privacy regarding your computer activities? With today’s personal computers and operating systems insuring your privacy on your personal computer requires much more than simply performing the history deletion functions.
Today’s computers and operating systems are powerful recorders that trace, track and record everything you do down to the single keystroke from your Internet search and browsing activity to the files you access and modify. If you want to insure your privacy from other individual’s snooping then you should consider getting a privacy control software application.
Privacy control software applications focus on eliminating all traces of your computer activity and insuring deleted files are destroyed and unrecoverable by data recovery software. A complete privacy control application should satisfy four key functional requirements.
The first key functional requirement is the privacy control application should be easy to install, easy to use and not disturb normal computer operation. The software application’s install program should be driven by an installation wizard with limited configuration questions presented to the user. Once installed, the program should be easy to use with a simple and intuitive interface that steps the user through the actions required to operate the program. In addition, there should be only one screen for any configuration settings that are required to operate the program. The configuration settings should be explained in a straight forward, easy to understand description. Operation of the privacy control program should not disturb the operation of other application programs that are currently running.
The second key functional requirement is the privacy control application should have a comprehensive list of computer activities to scan for possible cleaning and deletion. Typical areas to include for scanning are:
* Temporary internet files
* Search and browse history files
* Internet cache files
* Internet cookies files
* Peer to Peer (P2P) activity files
* Media player activity files
* Instant messaging and chat history files
* Online shopping and financial transaction history files
* File access and retrieval history files
In conjunction with the multiple scanning categories, the privacy control software should provide multiple inclusion and exclusion options for scanning and cleaning at the scan category, sub-category and individual item level.
The third key functional requirement is the privacy control software should provide multiple file deleting and shredding options that meet government and military standards. Typically, these standards involve the number of passes performed in the overwriting process to insure the file is unrecoverable by file recovery software applications. A complete privacy control application will provide one, three or seven overwriting passes, one of which meets DOD 5220.22-M standards.
The fourth and final key functional requirement is the software must include “help” information and 24/7 customer support. Despite how easy the software may be to use, there will come a time when you have a question that needs to be answered for proper operation of the software. The privacy control software should provide one key access to help information and troubleshooting tips. If the help information is not sufficient to resolve your problem, the software developer should provide 24 hour, seven day support in the form of Internet access for frequently asked questions (FAQ), searchable knowledge bases and email communication. Email communication should be responded to in less than 48 hours.
There are many privacy control applications available for your selection and purchase. As you make your evaluation look for how well the privacy control software supports these four key requirements. If your selected privacy control program meets these key requirements, you can feel confident that your privacy and confidentiality will be secure after the purchase and use of your chosen privacy control software.
Would you like to learn more about protecting your Internet privacy and erasing your Internet or web activities? Check out http://www.interneterasers.net/ now! Internet Erasers is an independent review site helping you make informed decisions about Internet privacy and security software. Our trusted reviews are created with knowledge and passion for the subject.
Each product featured on our website is compared with its competitors for functionality, performance and value providing you with the knowledge to make an informed selection and buying decision. In addition to our in-depth product reviews we offer other helpful tips and advice to improve your computer's performance, privacy and security.
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009
How to Get Burned by Your Internet History
Burned by your Internet history? What do you mean? Perhaps you are not aware but your personal computer is one big, powerful recorder of all your computer activity. Whether you are searching the Internet, browsing the Internet, having chat sessions, sending or receiving files or doing whatever your computer is capturing every keystroke and recording your tracks about where you have been, what you have viewed and what you have done.
Oh, you say that is no big deal. I’ll just delete my Internet history and temporary files with the tools offered by my favorite browser. Well, think again. Are you aware that there are numerous visible and hidden files where all this information is written and stored? Unfortunately, the tools offered by your favorite browser do not erase or eliminate all these files and it’s not all your Internet browser’s fault.
Did you know standard Windows file deletion options utilized by your browser do not physically delete the files? What are deleted are the index records detailing the file’s location and physical properties. The physical or actual file is still there and ready to be recovered by data recovery software that can be successfully used by both novice and experienced users. Until the original deleted physical file has been overwritten by another physical file, the original physical file is recoverable.
So what does all this mean to me? Absolutely nothing if you have not been visiting websites or doing activities that could create a compromising situation if discovered by your employer, spouse or significant other. Now, if you have been to websites, sent questionable emails or had off-color chat sessions that you shouldn’t have then you are in position to be placed in an embarrassing and compromising situation if discovered by the wrong individual. Perhaps, you are in this last situation and don’t want to get burned by your Internet history and tracks?
If so, then protect your privacy by using a privacy control software solution that insures the elimination of Internet and computer activity history on your personal computer. Don’t rely on the deletion tools provided by your Internet browser or Windows! Their shortcomings may be your downfall as you get burned by your Internet history creating personal anguish or employment troubles.
Don’t get burned by your Internet history. Get your privacy control software tool today and insure your privacy and confidentiality!
Would you like to learn more about protecting your Internet privacy and erasing your Internet or web activities? Check out http://www.InternetErasers.net now! Internet Erasers is an independent review site helping you make informed decisions about Internet privacy and security software. Our trusted reviews are created with knowledge and passion for the subject.
Each product featured on our website is compared with its competitors for functionality, performance and value providing you with the knowledge to make an informed selection and buying decision. In addition to our in-depth product reviews we offer other helpful tips and advice to improve your computer's performance, privacy and security.
Video Conferencing Vs. Audio Web Conferencing
Organizations are generally confused whether to use audio web conferencing or video conferencing to communicate with their clients, stakeholders, members and all other relevant individuals. Both types of conferences have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential to analyze the needs and requirements of an organization before choosing on one of these conferences.
Audio web conferencing uses the latest VoIP technology to transmit voice over the internet. This facilitates a better voice clarity and reception. Further, VoIP technology is very cost effective since it converts the voice into packets and then sends it across. This ensures that only the relevant part of the conversation is sent across and the silence part is left behind, thereby saving on the internet charges. Latest equipments such as Cisco conferencing bridge enable the facilitation of an increasing number of members to the conference without affecting its quality. Further, Cisco conferencing bridge offers additional features such as a scheduler and auto dialer to improve the productivity of a conference.
Video conferencing equipment, on the other hand enables the transmission of video images across the internet. This acts as a close replica to a physical meeting, thereby producing similar results at a much lower cost. Video conferencing equipment working on the revolutionary VoIP technology further facilitate the transfer of data, files and presentations during the course of a conference. This is particularly helpful in corporate meetings and meetings with clients who are located at a far away place.
Now, which type of conferencing to choose would depend on the specific requirements of the organization. Audio web conferencing is more suitable to smaller organizations that don’t have a frequent need to conference and do not require transfer of data, files and presentations during the course of the conference. There have been a lot of technological advancements in the field of audio conference, and a lot of new products such as wireless headsets have come up that allow unconstrained mobility during the conference. If there is a frequent need to have conferences with important members such as clients and members then video conferencing would be the ideal choice since it provides a similar atmosphere as that of a real meeting. Moreover, technologically advanced video conferencing equipment such as a high resolution web camera or a TV screen that can supportmultiple members, can further enhance the effectiveness of a video conference.
Since both the conferences have their own advantages, it is advisable to carefully analyze the needs of your organization and then take a decision regarding which conferencing system to set up. For more information, you can visit : http://www.conference-bridge.com/
Microsoft Dynamics Navision Services is Extremely Helpful to Connect an Entire Business
>From financial management to customer service and be it supply regulation or online business, Microsoft Dynamics Navision services brings together matchless functionalities and latest features which include capturing, organizing, sharing and regulate the flow of information across your organization.
Microsoft Dynamics Navision services have been accepted by more than 57,000 companies in their processes which include financial, Sales and Marketing, Business Intelligence etc. It enables one to manage all aspects of the business under a single roof.
It resembles Microsoft Outlook which makes it very user-friendly. It helps users to use their existing prowess with applications with an easy-to-use setup. Integration with Word and Excel has never been as easier as with Microsoft Dynamics Navision services and that helps users to generate documents and reports and also work with them simultaneously. Navision services provided by several offshore Microsoft Dynamics Navision service providers also provide superior integration functionalities for other applications.
• You can use Microsoft Dynamics Navision services and would not have to change much of your existing system. You can choose different application areas for financial management, client relationship management, sales, marketing, purchasing, service management, manufacturing and online business. You can customize Microsoft Dynamics NAV features with the help of offshore Microsoft Navision services to point out the area which you want your business to connect.
• Offshore Microsoft Dynamics Navision service providers can tailor the software to meet the company’s exact needs depending on proven methodologies and tools. Business processes are mapped out and then the client’s competitive strengths are assessed.
• All the processes within Microsoft Dynamics Navision services are set with real-time right from the time a transaction has been created and sent. One can filter the results and zero in the details as and when necessary. One can always rely on the accuracy of the data that is displayed.
• All business information right from the customer, the product, inventory details, and sales is integrated within Navision for making better decisions. Which accounts need attention and which can withstand delay is for you to decide and set. One can even target sales and devise marketing campaigns depending on the sales figures, client interaction records and other relevant information which stands testimony that the campaign will have some impact.
• With Microsoft Dynamics Navision services, information is transparent and visible to all authorized users within the organization be it the back office, the warehouse or the retail centre. One can act at a real time basis by allowing changes to be reflected quickly across the system and notified to relevant users promptly.
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009
How To Zip A File
By: John May
Files have always grown bigger and bigger and they will continue to grow bigger in future as well. However, your storage media cannot grow with the same rate as that of the file growth rate. Even if you have lots of free space available, it would be pointless to waste it by storing files of enormous size. So how do you optimize on saving space then? Well the answer is simple! Just Zip your files!
Zipping a file means compressing a file so that it occupies less space on your storage media such as hard drive or DVD. This will not only save you on disk space but also help you organize your data in a much more efficient way and make your computer work faster! Zipping files is often what people do when they want to send large files by emails or upload large files to there website where there is not a lot of room to upload a whole big file.
So, back to the question how to Zip a file? You can do this is in 3 simple easy steps which are shown below and show you the best way to unzip a file.
1. Step One
Go to the file that you want to be zipped/compressed. In case of two or more files, add them in one folder and rename the folder to whatever you want it to be called.
2. Step Two
Right click on the file or folder depending on what you choose as per step one followed by ‘Send to’ and then selecting ‘Compressed Zip Folder’. This feature is in built into Windows XP and the higher versions so you will not have to download any programs although the program built into Windows has limited tool that you can use. Now you have to go and right click the file and then click zip file. You now should have a zipped file but if you are not using windows you will have to download and install a program such as winzip which allows you to zip programs in a flash. If you are going to use winzip you have to right click the file and choose send to and then you will need to find winzip in the list now you can go into winzip and click zip files it will now zip the files for you and they will be ready to be unzipped.
3. Step Three
The zipped file that you would get after compression would be a .zip file and a copy of your contents. You can either choose to delete your original files/folder or just let it remain, as per your convenience. The zipped file won’t need those original files anymore now. Also, the outcome would be only one zip file no matter how many files you zip. When you unzip the file, you would get all your files as they were before zipping. Now all you have to do is upload it to what ever your going to be using to carry the files and you have now finished zipping the file.
AS400 Operations Navigator to the Rescue
By: John Andersen
There is a large misconception running about the user community these days that the AS/400 and iSeries platform are old antiquated machine as scarce as the dinosaurs and just as hard to use with its crummy looking text only interface commonly known as the green screen. This is a major sticking point for business looking to buy an AS/400 and especially for some system administrators that have been groomed on a Windows based environment with point and click ease of use and a built in wizard to do just about everything.
But there is really good news for those people who absolutely hate the old fashioned green-screens that the AS/400 and iSeries platform is known for… there has been a tool available to make maintenance and administration tasks easier. That cool graphical user interface tool is called Operations Navigator, it comes along with your regular licenses so it doesn’t cost any additional money and it has been available now for many years.
That’s right I said that the operations navigator utility is a GUI you can use with your AS/400 and iSeries systems. With it you can maintain users, catalogue system patches and program temporary fixes, watch jobs, administer printer output queues and more. You want to run an SQL query to delete some data sets or run a quick and dirty report and export the results into Excel? Operations navigator has you covered. Want to copy files from your computer over to the integrated file system on the AS/400? Operations navigator can do that too.
If you are into keeping a watchful eye on the health and performance data of your system, once configured, operations navigator will spit out great looking charts and graphs of important performance metrics. Did you know that you can also download your reports as text or pdf files from your AS/400 or iSeries with operations navigator, this very feature alone can replace you dependency for expensive third party software packages you may currently be using.
One of the greatest features not otherwise available until operations navigator came around is the ability to diagnose SQL statements and present them in a graphical diagram with each of the steps the system used to execute it in very thorough detail. There is also a whole feature set available that will collect performance data on your programs and files and record how often temporary indexes are built, you then simply go back and review this data after running a collection and it will recommend indexes to build that will improve the performance of your reports and queries dramatically.
Eventually you may find yourself having to perform some tasks in the command line environment, but as time moves on more and more of features are being built natively into operations navigator with each new release slowly removing the dependency on the green-screen. Who knows though, you may even become a convert like some of us old 400 folks and start to use the command line interface instead of the GUI. Nonetheless oprations navigator has such a rich set of tools and its ease of use make it an excellent tool to administering your AS/400 and iSeries systems so it is definitely here to stay.
AS400 Commands in a Nutshell
By: John Andersen
The AS/400 and iSeries systems are essentially command driven operating systems. There are definite advantages to a command line driven environment but nowadays with the widespread popularity of GUIs people seem to recoil when talking about anything command driven. The good news is that the native command set available on the AS/400 and iSeries platform is really simple to learn and before long you will be a pro.
Since commands are so essential to doing anything and working with the system let’s review some of the basics when it comes to AS/400 and iSeries commands. As I mentioned commands are the heart of the system and while there are other options available for administration like operations navigator it is still important to have a good grasp of the OS/400 command line interface.
First most commands are simply three letter abbreviations of common words, there are some rare exceptions so this isn’t a hard and fast rule. For example the word work is abbreviated to the three letters wrk, and the word active is shortened to just act. If you put these two words together along with the word job, you get the command wrkactjob which displays all of the currently active and running jobs on the entire system at that time. And by the way you will use the wkractjob command frequently so you may want to write that down.
A useful feature of the operating system is that commands can be prompted
and all of the additional parameters displayed along with the extended help text information. To activate, after typing in a command on the command line just press the F4 key and up will pop all the parameters for the command, you can usually use the F4 key again in each of the parameter fields to display a list of values available for those parameters. Help text for the parameters is as simple as pressing the F1 key on the keyboard. To close out of the command prompt screen and return back to the command line simply press the F12 key.
Wild cards can make you life incredibly easy and trying to track down commands faster. If you are unsure of a command simply key in the portion you do know along with the asterisk (*) symbol tagged on the end and press the enter key. The operating system will then search the entire system for any and all commands that match the wildcard and return the results onto the screen where you can easily browse through and pick the one you wanted to use.
When you first log onto the AS/400 you will notice that it is menu driven but behind the scenes these menus are nothing more than, you guessed it, commands. If you navigate around the menu system you will see that there are some menus that will help you track down commands faster. In addition you can access the “Verb Commands” menu by typing in the command go verb. On this menu all of the commands available to you have been grouped together by their action such as work, copy and delete.
5 Simple AS/400 Data Download Techniques
By: John Andersen
One of the most common questions I get is how do I get the data from my AS/400 or iSeries onto my computer or Excel spreadsheet program so I can manipulate it using PC programs and spreadsheets. Now back in the old days this used to be a daunting task, but now in modern times with database tools and ODBC drivers that come bundled with your system downloading any data you need over to a PC can be done in a snap.
The first tool for making your data transfer life easier is the Excel Add-in that is included with your Client Access software licenses, and most systems come with Client Access. The Excel add-in tool allows you to query, sort, order and more data requests to your system using SQL like syntax and dump those results directly into your beloved Excel spreadsheet without any hassle. If you have Excel downloads you routinely use you can even save the configuration for later use.
Along the same lines as the Excel add-in is the Data Transfer portion of the 5250 emulator program included with Client Access. This program functions identically to the AS/400 Excel Add-in except that it returns the query results to a plain text data file instead of a spreadsheet.
Now if you are building an MS Access database program or coding another Windows based program that can’t use a download but will need access to your AS/400 data in real time there is an available ODBC driver that comes with your Client Access licenses, or if you are using Java you can use JDBC.
An older set of commands available from within the AS/400 allow you to copy entire physical files and tables over to the Integrated File System where you can then access and download the file using Operations Navigator or through a network share. To use this method you simply issue the one of the commands Copy to PC Document- CPYTOPCD or Copy to Import File with the command CPYTOIMPF. For either of these commands you simply specify the IFS path and file name in the stream file parameter field. It should be noted that both of these options copy the physical file over verbatim, you can’t use constraints.
Getting network shares working takes a little effort and configuration but once complete the AS/400 acts just like another file server on your Windows network so you can retrieve files. So after using the Copy to PC Document or Copy to Import File programs you simply download the file to your PC like you would from another Windows file server.
Finally you may need to copy over your printable reports and spool files to a computer and fortunately Operations Navigator has you covered as well. Simply open up operations navigator, click on basic operations then click on printer output to display a list of spool files you can download to your computer. To download you can simply click and drag the file to your desktop and it will automatically be converted to a plain text document or if you right click on the document there is an option to convert it to an Adobe pdf document.
Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009
Choosing the Best Laptop For Yourself
By: Jason Main
Mobile computing is gaining pretty decent traction these days. People need to adapt to the fast paced world that we live in today. The laptop computers are one of the best companions for us on the move. This technological advancement gave us the capability to do our work on the go.
If you are considering to buy a laptop today then your timing could not be any better. The gadget industry is affected by the worldwide economic crisis and this would mean that prices of gadgets would be lot lower than suggested retail. To cope with the decreasing volume of business and to retain more customers, many stores are offering cool promos like free laptop giveaways.
Since laptops are so popular these days, choices for the types and models of laptops are also abound. You can even decide whether to buy a brand new laptop or a used one. For sure buying pre-owned laptops will be lot cheaper than buying a brand new one. But you also have to consider the longevity and performance. Getting used laptops comes with certain risks of getting something that would break down without any warning; so used laptop option is only suitable for ones who know how to mess around with these devices.
Brand new laptops will surely cost significantly more but you will be guaranteed of a quality product and will be able to rest assured knowing that your laptop came with a one year hardware warranty. You will also have the chance to avail of store promos like free laptop giveaways. There are new features as well that can only be found in new laptops that can’t be found in used ones since those used laptops are obsolete.
Before handing in your money for your new laptop make sure that you plan ahead. Determine your needs when it comes to mobile computing in this way you can really get the value for your money. Laptop needs can be categorized into two, basic and advanced. Basic needs will usually involve word processing, web browsing and data storage. On the other hand advanced needs will usually involve video editing and computer gaming.
Brand new laptops can give you new features and durable hardware not to mention the opportunity to bag home some freebies like free laptop giveaway. But if you also go for the used ones it will surely be cheap and good for your tight budget. And lastly know your needs before buying a laptop.
There are plenty of sites online that are offering free laptop giveaway offers. Before you make a decision of buying a new laptop, it is always a good idea to check out one or two of those sites to see if you can get your hands on a free one.
Now how in the world you can get a laptop free of cost is the question. There are companies who are promoting their products and services so giving away some freebies like free laptops work out pretty well for them. Some companies also need real consumer feedback and product reviews and one way to get them is by giving away those products so that people can use them and give feedback. Just browse through a few offers and see which one appeals to you most before signing up.
Best Wishes!
How to Extend Your Netbook's Battery in Nine Easy Steps
By: Ray Keyes
For netbook users, extending the battery life is a continuous source of concern. While netbooks may be ultra portable that you can put one conveniently in your handbag, their batteries only extend up to a certain number of hours. A 3-cell battery typically last up to three hours. A 6-cell battery and a 9-cell battery have a proportionally longer life span. Here are some ways that you can extend your netbook�s battery life.
1. Defrag regularly
Defragmenting your netbook�s hard drive is one of the best ways to make it perform better since it repairs the bad sectors that slow down your machine. Take the time to defrag your computer, but of course you don�t do this when you�re on battery mode.
2. Set your netbook to the lowest resolution.
Cut your netbook�s resolution and lighting to the lowest performance to increase battery life. Some netbook�s allow you to modify your CPU and your cooling systems, so you might want to set them to the lowest level.
3. Close non-important programs
Some unimportant programs that you might want to close while your netbook is on battery mode are Windows Media Plyer, iTunes, and desktop search. All these programs (substantially) cut down your battery life. Also, if you have an external CD/DVD drive, do not use it while you�re on battery mode.
4. Minimize external devices
Plugging USB devices like your USB mouse drain your laptop. So does using Wi-Fi and charging other devices like your iPod. (Charging USB devices while on battery mode is actually the surest way to drain your netbook�s battery in the shortest time possible.)
5. Increase the RAM
Increasing the RAM allows you to process more with your netbook�s memory rather than relying on its virtual memory, which demands more from your hard drive. Take note that adding more RAM actually consumes more energy, so you only have to do this when you use memory-intensive programs that would otherwise heavily use your virtual memory.
6. Keep your battery contacts clean
Make it a habit to clean your battery�s metal contacts every two months with a cloth moistened with rubbing alcohol. This keeps power transfer from your battery more efficient.
7. Take care of your battery
Do not leave a charged battery dormant for long periods of time. When a battery is charged, you should use it every two to three weeks. Do not let your netbook�s Li-On battery completely discharge because it will affect the memory.
8. Clean your netbook
There�s a lot of sense in periodically cleaning your netbook; your netbook will operate more efficiently because it becomes cooler. Clean your netbook�s air vents with a cloth or keyboard cleaner.
9. Do not multi-task
Do one thing at a time on your mini laptop while you are on battery mode. Set your mind completely on one thing rather than opening your email client, listening to music and typing at the same time. If you try to do everything at once, you will only drain your battery without getting anything done.
Buy Antivirus 2009 – the Only Brand That Will Keep Your Computer Safe
By: Stacy Smith
Almost everyone in the world uses the computer and surfs the internet and of course, as we all know, the internet plays a central role when it comes to spreading various computer viruses, malware and spyware. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, Malware stands for malicious software and adware, worms, viruses and spyware all fall under this category. The most notorious of which would be the infamous Trojan horses. A spyware’s function would be to change your internet browser settings and lead you to various fraudulent websites otherwise known as phishing websites.
This would make your computer function poorly as well as slow down its processes. Viruses can also cause severe damage to your computer by deleting important files and corrupting your applications and programs. Sometimes, they even reformat your hard drive. They can also copy themselves to various devices such as USB sticks and CD’s thus further spreading itself. More often than not, a computer that has been infected with a virus would eventually crash. Now, to prevent a virus from infecting your computer, you would need a good antivirus and would’ve to keep it updated every year.
I recommend that you buy Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009. This is because more new viruses come out each and every year. They also get more complex and stronger and as such, your old antivirus might not be capable of handling them. There are many different kinds of antivirus available out there; each brand has something different to offer. They also vary greatly in terms of price. Some might be easy on the pocket but low on protection whilst there are those that will cost you quite a bit of money but would provide you with excellent protection as well as a great service whenever you need help.
There’s also one thing that people should be reminded of when it comes to antiviruses. The thing is, not all of them are actually capable of eliminating all the malicious items hidden in your computer. There are viruses that are capable of recycling themselves that no amount of deleting would actually have an effect on them.
Truth be told, antiviruses don’t work in the same fashion. They have different ways of removing and preventing attacks on your computer and with that said, not all of them are completely capable of defending your computer from each and every attack. Thus, you should definitely do more research before you buy an antivirus. Consider your computer usage, how many times and for how long you surf the internet, do you do online transactions and stuff like that.
It would provide you with a good insight as to the kind of antivirus you should be getting your computer. It’s also very helpful to read various software reviews. After all, there’s nothing better than first hand information from someone who has tried the product before.
All the information which you’ll be able to gather would definitely be a great asset when it comes to choosing the most suitable software for your PC. Remember, do the research and you’re sure to find the best product for you and save you from any computer trouble in the long run.
Senin, 17 Agustus 2009
Advanced Registry Optimizer - Learn Why it Doesn't Work!
By: Ryan Pauline
Marketers do really have brilliant ideas to sell products. Most of the times they go overboard and leave behind the essence of quality service just to close a deal. Although it must not go this way it's fast becoming a market trend. The perfect example of this is how products are strategically named to the point that what it promises are kept only in its name and nothing more can be found useful with the product itself.
What's in a name anyway? In selling products it's very significant. Why do you think the name Advance Registry Optimizer sounds too good the first time you heard it? The operative word here is advance. Everybody is fond of something that presses forward-looking applications. Hence, this diagnostic software will likely be sold immediately. But speaking of the performance of Advance Registry Optimizer the word advance must be eliminated for nothing's really new in this application. In fact when it is compared with other registry cleaners sold online it would only rank third to what is considered not bad but not too good registry cleaners.
To expect something special about this software will only make you frustrated. There's hardly new tool employed neither there is an additional application that is significant in supercharging computer's efficiency. What free diagnostic software offers are exactly the same contents of Advance Registry Optimizer. Moreover, it's a little pricier compared to other computer utilities that are even more efficient in performance against ARO. Hence, what it offers is not worthy to the amount of money you'll be spending.
Indeed, ARO is not a must have diagnostic software for regular PC owners. It can only be of help for computer owners who are fond of installing and uninstalling software constantly. But still there is much more preferable software that can act as caretaker of your computer's operating system. Contrary to what it promises, ARO does not speed up your computer. After conducting a general check up of your PC's software it will only restore the original speed. Likewise, ARO is incapable of repairing damaged Windows files. All it can do is back up the uncorrupted files.
To spread words that ARO is a scam is unfair, however. It does work and render basic registry cleaning, but it all ends there. It's not worth recommending for others to use it too. Since its capability is restricted to basic applications it will not extinguish complicated system errors. Remember that misused and mismatch diagnostic software can pose greater damage to your computer.
Furthermore, it's free trial version is incomplete. Unless you buy it only then you'll have an access to its entire range of applications. It seems that the creator of this software is implicating a message speaking on how untruthful their product can become.
Does your computer need a registry cleaner, a system optimizer, a registry optimizer, fix it utilities or perhaps none of these? If you really want solutions that fit work first on identifying and figuring out your computer's need.
Fix Computer Errors - Free Tips Inside
By: Ryan Pauline
Computer errors really cause us headaches especially if they simultaneously hinder our productivity. For the first few times, we try to ignore them. We simply think that they are just ordinary glitches. However, as time passes by, we soon discover that they are occurring regularly. They delay us in meeting deadlines. They hamper our development and to some, they cause a great deal like their work or even their leisure. How do we totally fix computer errors? What are the necessary steps that we need to undertake to simply have an efficient and speedy computer system? How can we maintain our computer's health so that we can ensure a long lasting service for us and for our responsibilities? What can we do to freely use our PCs without any constraints?
These are just a few of the questions that often bug us whenever we experience PC errors. In reality, there are a million of these questions. We may not be giving much attention to the first few occurrences of these PC errors but as soon as we experience serious problems or as soon as our computers crash, we get too frustrated. Why?
The main reason for this is taking these errors for granted. Here is the first tip, do not take them for granted. If you can act soon, then do it; or if you can fix computer errors now, then act now. Your computer's life is too sensitive. Without giving it the proper maintenance and help, it would surely cause you suffrage.
As soon as you have decided to fix computer errors, should opt for a reliable companion to do this. You may be aware of the numerous options online. However, would not it be nice if you would choose the most effective ones? This is the second important tip that you would have to follow. Choose the option that could guarantee you of great service. Opt for the registry cleaner that can truly fix computer errors like the Registry Easy. The Registry Easy would not only scan for those errors but it would also help you get rid of those errors that cause you years of waiting. Equipped with easy functions, the Registry Easy would be a great companion for you as you resolve your computer issues.
Lastly, it is important that as you fix computer errors, you would also need to keep your computer's renewed health. To do this, you would have to be equipped with the necessary tools to monitor your computer's registry to avoid slowing down again. Rely on a companion that would not irritate or hinder you while you are working. Choose the registry cleaner that would seem invisible in your computer system but would actually keep its promise of keeping your computer's good health. The best option for this is the Registry Easy. This registry cleaner works silently in the computer system but functions efficiently. With it, you would no longer worry about further errors like computer freezes, slow downs or even crashes.
A Pen Drive Guide To Beginners
By: Roberto Sedycias
The pen drive is a convenient USB flash memory device. The device is primarily used to transfer data files, audio and video from one computer to another very quickly. It derived its name from its constitution. The device, most of the times looks like a small pen which will easily fit in your pocket. It is indeed a charismatic invention of science. The device has made our work easier. It is sometimes referred to as jump drives as well.
Pen drive is an improvement on the floppy drives and the compact discs which were used for transferring files, copying data and reloading files on different drives. They are outfitted with a huge memory capacity. Even one with the lowest capacity has plenty of space to store a huge amount of data.
All common types of files can be transferred to a pen drive which can subsequently be transferred to any type of hard drive. From word documents, photographs, spreadsheets, music tracks to movie clips one can copy all kinds of files on a pen drive and then transfer it to some other drive. And the best part is that it requires only a few second to transfer the files and get your work done.
Now comes the most important question. How to use a pen drive? The process of using one is very easy indeed. They have a USB connector at one end. The connector is plunged into the USB port of either a desktop or a laptop and then activated. The screen shows an icon which gives you the indication that your it is active. Once it is active you can drag and drop or copy files very easily. The procedure is as easy as attaching a file to an e mail. Pen drives work fast and transfers huge files within a few seconds. it is a new device and manufacturers across the globe are making them.
Pen drives are configured at different levels as a result of which they can be used in all types of systems. Be it a PC or a laptop, it is compatible for all kinds of operating system. As long as your computer is having a USB port, transferring data through it is very easy. With the increase in demand, they are now manufactured with added facilities. And they are available with variable storage capacity.
Pen drives are very useful for network administrators for keeping backups of every work. They can easily store configuration information in it and load them when needed to other drives. You can store lots of information in it which will be of use during emergency. They are portable and very easy to move. Thus they are very popular with software and hardware professionals.
Pen drives are now available with modern appendages like LCD screen and audio input jack. A high end model may have drives with sound output as well. USB pen drives may also offer MP3 playback features. Some also have built-in rechargeable battery.
There is no need of installing the drive before using a USB pen drive. It carries application which can run on the host without installation. Nothing is as hassle free as a USB pendrive.
As we all are aware of the fact that the modern world is very fast and everything needs to be done within a fraction of a second. A pen drive is a modern day gadget which not only makes your work easier but also save you from the hassle of carrying big documents and remembering weird configurations.
Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009
Speed Up PC Today - Free Tips Inside
By: Ryan Pauline
Scanning and cleaning errors or invalid registry entries of computers are very tedious. These errors require an expert program that would cure and keep the system away from slowing down, freezing and even crashing. There are numerous registry cleaners in the market. Most of them have been promising expert performance; however, most of them have been failing to comply with their promises.
If you happen to be one of those people who have tried these programs, it must be the time for you to shift. On the other hand, if you happen to be a new to the idea of cleaning errors and registry entries to resolve you PC problems, you need to choose a best option. Do not just try any other program or you may end up blowing your computer and find yourself in a position that you would always regret. You should opt for the expert program - the program that could speed up your PC today and give you a perfectly healthy system. Here's a tip for you - use the expert program. Use Registry Easy!
Registry Easy is the expert in scanning and cleaning errors or registry entries in your PC. It would speed up your PC today with its capability features for repairing, scanning, defragmenting and even backing up of registry entries. This product would give you a high performing computer system that not only registry entries would be resolved. It can also locate corrupt or missing applications or files for repair or deletion.
With its superior detection algorithm, all problematic references in your system can be detected. Invalid and outdated registries can be refined in just a few simple steps. The repair tool of this program is definitely handy that even people with no advanced knowledge in repairing registries can easily use it. Its functions also provide reports, analyses and lists of entries that needs repair or restoration that people with advanced knowledge in cleaning registries can readily track the changes done by this registry cleaner. Thus, with its great functionality, Registry Easy is sure to speed up your PC today!
Aside from its outstanding performance and functionality, the Registry Easy is a program created by a company whose main goal is to serve their customers. It is already obvious with its reliability and efficiency as an expert registry cleaner, but you would be more please to know that its creator's concerns do not simply end with a good product. In fact, many of its customers have been loyal all throughout the years not only because of its product but also because of its customer care. Their customer representatives are available 24x7 via email. This shows that their customers are highly regarded and that their promise is ultimately their priority. You can contact their support team anytime, even though you are just about to use the product. They are more than happy to serve you and they are more than anxious to be of great service for you - that is, if you want great solutions.