Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

How I Shave for Less than $7.33 a Year

How I Shave for Less than $7.33 a Year
Over a year and a half ago I noticed how much I was spending on shaving products. After a bit of research I discovered safety razors and never plan of going back to modern razors again.

I was a little skeptical the first time I used a safety razor. After all, a triple-blade razor has to give a much better shave than a single-blade razor, right? Wrong. After my first smooth shave I personally validated that modern razors are just a bunch of marketing hype. Not only did I get a great shave in the same amount of time, but it was dirt cheap too. 

A year and a half ago I spent $22 total for a safety razor, 100 extra blades, shaving soap, a bowl, and a brush, and not only have I not restocked during this time, but expect it all to last me at least another year and a half. For my shaving habits that is $7.33 a year! How long do you think you could get by with $7.33 of modern razors and shaving cream?

Here is a break down of everything I bought to start out along with the prices at the time of this post:

Total: $22.74

To get an idea of how long this will last you based on your shaving habits, each blade is usually good for 3-5 shaves. If you are just doing touch-ups or have a thin beard, it can last much longer.

Anyone else ever used a safety razor? Or have any questions about them? Talk about it in the comments section below.

Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Norton Internet Security 2014

Hello every one,today my topic is Norton Internet Security 2014.  Many people use this antivirus. It is one of the popular Norton antivirus . Today I will give you this antivirus totally free . This antivirus comes with an Activator.  which allows you to install very easily antivirus full Version .

DOWNLOAD HERE = Norton Internet Security 2014 

DOWNLOAD HERE = Norton Internet Security Activator

Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014

Characteristics and Behaviors of an Excellent Support Technician

 Characteristics and Behaviors of an Excellent Support Technician
Being a support technician can be difficult. Not only do you get to listen to people complain all day, but you also rarely get feedback on how to make the experience better for the user or yourself.  Here are some characteristics and behaviors I have discovered over the years to make the job a little better. 

Patience. Chances are you have seen just about every issue in the book if you have been with a company for a while. You know what the answer is immediately after the user calls, but they continue drowning on. That said, never cut them off. Listen to everything they have to say, find a good place to chime in, and then resolve the issue.

Knowledge. Know all there is to know about what you support. End users can tell when you are struggling. Additionally, they are even more frustrated if they think they know more about the issue than you. Read, everything you can find about what you're supporting, and get as much hands-on experience as possible.

Efficiency. If your company does not have a step-by-step guide on how to resolve issues, make your own. Take notes during every ticket. Jot down the issue the user is experiencing, and then each step you took until you reach a resolution. After a while, you should be able to find patterns of what works and what doesn't for a given issue. This can drastically, decrease the time it takes to close a ticket.

Passion. Try to enjoy what you do. Nobody wants to talk to a support technician that sounds like they at the end of an eight hour shift. Perk up! Try to make a game out of what you are doing. Make wagers with coworkers over who can close the most tickets in a given period. Whatever it takes. Users love to have a friendly person excited to help them. 

Professionalism. No matter what profession you are in, your clients are going to say something stupid. We may want to laugh out loud or just sigh and hang up the phone, but if you want to excel (or keep your job), you need to maintain composure. If a user says something that you think is ridiculous, just keep your tone, and power through it. 

Have any more tips on becoming an excellent support technician? Tell us about it in the comments section below. 

Tips to Sync Any Folder to the Cloud by Using Symbolic Links

by : Brooke M. Perry

Almost all of you must be aware of the amazing cloud storage features that are offered to make your stored content secure and available anytime, anywhere. Cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and others offer amazing support to allow you access your content by using various devices, but they all have the same problem. Highlighting the main issue and creating problems for users while syncing the folders, these cloud storage companies can only synchronize folders inside its platform. But, many tech geeks and cloud management experts deployed their skills and efforts to come up with a work around to this limitation and named it as symbolic links.

In this article, you'll read about the basic functioning of symbolic links and how to use them on a Windows, Mac, or Linux device?

What are Symbolic Links?

Symbolic links are specifically developed to synchronize any folder on your PC to the cloud storage platform that a user is currently using. Before starting the synchronization process, users must ensure that the configuration file that has to be synchronized should be placed in a specific location of your PC. All the major operating systems (OS) are offered with integrated tools for creating symbolic links and they work excellently to bridge the gap between your PC and cloud storage platform. A symbolic link, once created, acts as a ‘pointer' towards a folder that presents details same as the real folder or files.

In case you want to synchronize all the files in C:\Stuff with Dropbox, then you can create a symbolic link in the Dropbox folder to point the link to C:\Stuff. On successful creation of the link, the Dropbox will synchronize everything inside the C:\Stuff folder.

Sync Any Folder to the Cloud by Using Symbolic Links in Windows

(Note: This section will use any folder to be synchronized to OneDrive on Windows 8.1.)

  1. Log-in as an Administrator and open a Command Prompt window by pressing the ‘Windows Key + X' and clicking on the ‘Command Prompt' option.
  2. In the Command Prompt window, type-in ‘move "C:\Path\To\ExternalFolder" "C:\Users\NAME\Dropbox"' and replace ‘C: \Path\To\ExternalFolder' with the path to the folder you want to sync. Now, replace the ‘C: \Users\NAME\Dropbox' with the path to your current cloud storage folder and it will move the entire folder to your cloud storage folder.
  3. Admin should create a symbolic link by typing ‘mklink /d "C:\Path\To\ExternalFolder" "C:\Users\NAME\OneDrive\ExternalFolder"' in the Command Prompt window and the folder will contain all synchronized folders at its original location.

Sync Any Folder to the Cloud by Using Symbolic Links in Linux

Linux users can create a symbolic link with the help of its ‘ln commands' feature and then you'll not be required to move any files around. To do the same, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal and run the ‘ln -s /path/to/ExternalFolder ~/Dropbox/' command.
  2. You can easily synchronize an individual file by specifying its path instead of the path to a folder. If it doesn't work, then first move the external folder within your current cloud storage folder. Once the folders are moved successfully, create a symbolic link in reverse, like the same you would do on Windows.

Sync Any Folder to the Cloud by Using Symbolic Links in Mac OS X

  1. Open a terminal window by pressing ‘Command + Space,' and then type ‘Terminal' in the Spotlight search dialog, and hit ‘Enter.'
  2. Run the ln -s "/path/to/ExternalFolder"  "/Users/name/Dropbox/ExternalFolder" command, in the appropriate path.
  3. This command will not work properly with Google Drive, but performs well with other popular cloud storage platforms. Since Google Drive won't accept symbolic links, move the folder you want to synchronize inside your cloud storage folder and create the symbolic link in reverse. Run ‘mv "/path/to/ExternalFolder"' "/Users/name/Google Drive/"' to move the folder and use ‘ln -s "/Users/name/Google Drive/ExternalFolder" "/path/to/ExternalFolder"' to create a symbolic link in reverse.
 Apart from linking the internal folders, you can also use this feature to synchronize external folders that are located outside your cloud storage folder. Since the prime function of these links is to establish a bridge between your PC's folder and the cloud storage platform, it performs the same for external folders as well. Create an external symbolic link on each computer that you use and the folders with the same content will appear across your devices. You can easily establish external links by using a third-party program or tool included in the OS. So what are you waiting for? Spot a folder, establish a link, connect with cloud storage and service, and access them anytime, anywhere.


It Is Your Networking Cable So You Should Care

by : Iftakhar Sheikh

With the colossal solace that accompanies having working links, be it in your home or work place, there comes an obligation to it that you may have those links in fine scratch. For any link to be abandon free and work advantageously there are some few skills and methods that you ought to acquaint yourself with and put into utilize that you may have your cables in the ideal condition conceivable.

Most link deformities are a result of uninformed or imprudent wrapping. Matters may even be more awful, considering a few of us are even excessively sluggish to guarantee that we wrap them whatsoever. At whatever point we neglect to wrap a link apropos, we are welcoming harm and breakages. Numerous links that are not wrapped whatsoever, or rather wrapped incoherently have a tendency to cut and consequently getting to be to a greater extent a risk to you.

This is an obligation undertaking as well as a wellbeing safeguard. On the off chance that you perceive that any of your link is protected wrongly or rather stripped, it is indispensable to guarantee that the links are accurately protected. In the event that you can't do it without anyone's help, reaching the administrations of a professional ought to be the exact move.

Guaranteeing that your links are constantly found and situated at fit places in the work place and in the house is a standout amongst the best approaches to take legitimate forethought of your links. This includes, verifying that the links are not continued lying around the house where anybody can venture at them. In the event that you can, stick your cables on the dividers or top utilizing scissors, as it may be more advantageous and more secure.

Despite the fact that this appears direct and plain, there have been situations where some individuals attempt to fit links into wrong ports bringing about perils, contrarily and harm to the links. You can evade this by gaining link jointing extras, which are more secure, more advantageous and up to the assignment.

Other than legitimate protection of your links, it is your part to make sure that your links are not presented to water effectively as it may be dangerous and the result risky. An alternate approach to guarantee that your links are not open to water is to guarantee there are arranged and situated through sticking, packagings or hanging.


Three most significant Things to think about while buying Used Computers

by : Angelina Rose

Buying used computers is never a simple task. You will be aware simply cannot choose the condition of a pc just by seeing its look. Moreover, if you are not a professional in distinctive the operating condition of the pc accessories, you will have various bother in shopping for the used computers. If you have no information even of the fundamentals of the computers, you ought to avoid shopping for used computers. Just for when your budget is proscribing, the refurbished computers are going to be the most effective choices for you. IF you have a basic plan of the operation of the pc, this text can help you to check the three most significant components to check where shopping for the used computers.

1. Checking the computer frills within the CPU

As you will understand, CPU is that the main unit of a computer than we must always begin checking with it. Simply turning the facility of the pc on and obtaining the operating system loaded does not suggest that everyone the pc accessories are operating absolutely. As an example, the RAM (memory module) failure may not show now. RAM failures will know only by acting on the pc for a minimum of quarter-hour. Sure RAM failures will know with the beep codes. You ought to have noticed a beep sound because turning on the computer. Every beep states a blunder within the memory module. The beep-beep codes and their explanations are wide accessible online. Make sure to look at the beep codes 1st. you ought to run the pc with some stern programs to check the disc performance. There are thousands of disc diagnostic software systems accessible out there for this purpose. Disc failures can lead to knowledge loss then disc is one among the elements that have to be compelled to check.

2. Checking the show the show  

This is the common half were several of them get tricked. Simply checking the software system settings for the show will not make sure the operating condition of the check. Bear in mind that there is hardware buttons for the alignment of the show on the check. In several cases any of those hardware buttons on the desire not work. This may leave you with no chance to vary the alignment settings of the check. Therefore, you ought to confirm that the check hardware buttons are totally useful.

3. Watch out for stolen product

Apart from checking the standard of the used computers, you have to check their genuineness too. Stealing the pc components looks to be straightforward and these purloined products are selling for dead cheap costs. If you attract by a budget evaluation of those purloined product, you are creating a giant mistake. Shopping for purloined used computers can cause you to find yourself in severe legal problems. Therefore, make sure to check the genuineness of the used pc provider.


Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014

Computer Basic Hardware Tutorial (part-2)

Now it's my second tutorial topic about Computer Basic Hardware Tutorial........Follow my image instruction....

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014

Save Money with the Replacement Rule

The replacement rule for spending has saved me a large amount of both time and money over the years. Oddly enough, the rule is simple, but very few people do it.

What is the replacement rule? It is simply a rule stating that you only buy something when it replaces something else and you know what it will replace when you purchase the item. For instance, say you need to have seven dress shirts for work. You see one you really like in a store. You can buy it, but only if you get rid of one of the shirts you already have. If you have trouble deciding what shirt you would get rid you, you don't need another shirt.

Have any other personal finance tips? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2014

Computer Basic Hardware Tutorial (part-1)

Take my salam everyone, and today i am going to start a long time course. This course name hardware course. I will trying to give my best in this tutorial. .........

Personal Computer Components

Personal Computer Components

System Unit Components

Storage Devices

Personal Computer Connection Methods

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